Roseville Unbundled Legal Services
There are a lot of legal issues that can arise in a divorce, from the initial filing to property division to child custody and support, to spousal support. Every couple is different. In some cases, the legal affairs are simple. In others, they can be complex. A spouse may desire to break apart the different components of a divorce and only have their attorney work on targeted issues. This is known as unbundling. It is something The Law Offices of James-Phillip V.M. Anderson is happy to assist with.
Our Roseville unbundled legal services are available to clients throughout Placer County, Nevada County, and Sacrament County. Call today at (916) 282-7737 or reach out online to set up a consultation.
Is Unbundling Your Divorce the Right Choice?
The following scenarios are ones where a spouse may prefer to unbundle their legal needs…
Streamlining Simple Divorces
When there are limited property division needs and no issues regarding children, a spouse may prefer to handle much of it themselves. California law does allow for people to represent themselves in a divorce. While we certainly have a professional bias in favor of informed legal counsel, we also know that there are situations where the needs for a lawyer are more limited in scope. A spouse may choose to have their attorney simply do the filing and handle basic paperwork.
Navigating Complex Divorces with Precision
The flip side can be that more complex divorces lead a client to prefer to assemble a team of lawyers. An example might be a situation where a client has worked with their attorney for a long time and trusts this lawyer to handle the issues pertaining to child custody. But the financial assets involved are complicated, and this trusted attorney may not have the experience necessary to be a good advocate on how to get the fairest property settlement. The client may choose to unbundle the divorce and work with a separate lawyer who will handle only the property division.
Call The Law Offices of James-Phillip V.M. Anderson and learn more about our Roseville unbundled legal services. We can be reached by calling (916) 282-7737 or by filling out our online contact form.
Key Considerations for Unbundling Your Divorce
Our office works on divorce cases of all kinds, from the simple to the complex. We work in limited scope capacity, and we also handle cases as the attorney of record. Spouses should be aware that many of the issues in a divorce, while theoretically separate, do inherently overlap.
For example, the property division will decide what happens with the house. What happens with the house might end up being decisive in how child custody is handled, which in turn will have an impact on the final child support payment plan. Unbundling can still work, but it’s imperative that everyone involved be communicating about how decisions made in one area might ripple across the rest of the settlement.
Collaborative & Compassionate Legal Counsel
At The Law Offices of James-Phillip V.M. Anderson, we’re here to listen to clients, understand their needs, and then leverage our deep legal experience to meet those needs in the most efficient way possible. If a client wants to unbundle their divorce, we’re prepared to work with them and anyone else they have involved to get a fair settlement. Our Roseville unbundled legal services are sought out by clients across all of Pacer County, and throughout Nevada County and Sacramento County.
(916) 282-7737 or contact us online to set up a consultation.Speak to an Attorney Today
Frequently Asked Questions
What if my ex isn’t paying child support?A:
The failure to pay child support is a serious offense, one for which a spouse can go to jail. Child support agreements are effectively a court order and failure to comply is contempt of court. Judges will give a delinquent child support payer every opportunity to bring their payments current, but the recipient spouse should not hesitate to take legal action if not getting what they are properly owed.
Do I need a lawyer to get a divorce?A:
Strictly speaking, the answer is no. The state of California allows people to represent themselves. But—and yes, we understand we’re biased—a lot is missed out on when a reliable and experienced attorney isn’t present. Essential issues in the property settlement might be getting overlooked. Agreements on child support or spousal support might be less than what a spouse or parent deserves. And, even in the simplest of divorce cases, a lawyer can still provide efficient services in filing documents and responding to motions, allowing their client to focus on the next era of their life.
How do I get a restraining order?A:
If you are in imminent danger, call the police. If police concur that the threat of domestic violence is real and imminent, they can have a judge issue an emergency protective order that will last up to a week. Then your lawyer can help secure a temporary restraining order, which lasts for 20-25 days and is intended to keep you safe until the hearing. At the hearing, evidence of the need for long-term protection can be presented. If the evidence is persuasive, a judge may issue a permanent restraining order that can last as long as five years.